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The International University of Logistics and Transport Wroclaw (IULT) is a major European logistics university according to the national academic ranking and the best specialised logistics university in Poland. We cooperate with universities and institutions in various countries around the world. We are also the only university in Eastern Europe in the field of logistics and transport accredited by the UK Chartered Logistics and Transport Institute. This has been the most important body certifying logistics programme all over the world for the last 100 years.
In order to be a successful student, young people who plan to study English as the language of instruction need to improve their language skills. Students need to improve their reading, listening, writing and of course speaking skills in order to be able to follow the lectures, participate actively in laboratories and other course activities. They also need to have sufficient skills to write papers, take part in discussions and finally defend their thesis.


The course offered by our university focuses on helping students firstly to understand what their individual learning objectives are and then to develop the necessary English language proficiency.  During the course, students learn to use the language independently and have the opportunity to prepare for the internationally recognised TELC exam.
The European Language Certificates or TELC Language Proficiency Tests are tests that measure whether the language is of international standard.
TELC GmbH is a language test provider based in Frankfurt am Main and is a non-profit subsidiary of the German Association for Adult Education (DVV). The TELC GmbH exam offers more than 70 certificates for students, including general language knowledge, vocational exams and tests. All TELC language exams correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) published by the Council of Europe in 2001 to cover listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.
According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), students who wish to study for a Bachelor's or Master's degree in English at our university must have at least a B2 level of English.


Facilities of our English Preparatory Course:


  • Organisation: 5 days a week from Monday to Friday;
  • Classes led by specialised and experienced teachers;
  • Specific modules for students, general academic English language training as well as English language proficiency used in specialised fields such as Logistics, Business, Management;
  • Providing textbooks and supplementary materials to English preparatory students;
  • Various study trips to partner companies such as Volvo, Amazon, DHL, Leoni, Panalpina and many more;
  • Excursions in the Lower Silesia region to see the beauty of Poland (1 weekend trip per semester - including a two-day visit to favourite sights);
  • Polish language (Polish) and culture classes in addition to English preparatory education;
  • Special studies with additional information about Polish traditions - 1 time per month;
  • Students who take English preparatory education at our university receive a discount of 250 Euros each semester for 2 years if they will continue their undergraduate or graduate studies at our university after their preparatory education.


 You can examine the table below to see the tuition fees of our university:

Language of study Programme Currency For full-time students
Registration fee 1 academic term
(1 semester)
2 academic term
(2 semesters)
English English course PLN 400 6600 13200
EUR 100 1500 3000
USD 120 2040 4080



Bank Name: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
EURO account number: (€) PL 50 1090 2398 0000 0001 1580 8146
USD account number: ($) PL 38 1090 2398 0000 0001 1580 8168
PLN account number: (PLN) PL 82 1090 2398 0000 0001 1527 4070



Address: Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu,
ul. Sołtysowicka 19 b, 51-168 Wroclaw, Polska



The payment description must include the name of the candidate and the form of payment. Example: John Smith, academic year's 2020/2021 fee.



Banks may deduct fees for international remittances. Therefore, when making your payment, please make sure that the amount stated above is received by the university in full. Bank deductions are the responsibility of the students.

The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
 ul. Sołtysowicka 19B          51-168 Wrocław Poland
 tel: +48 (71) 324-68-42 int. 125

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